“The future of security assesments is now.”


Complete security assessments received from customers and partners.
From weeks to minutes.


Evaluate the security posture of your vendors and partners.
Tailored to you. Effortlessly managed.

Upload the assessment document you received from your customer or partner.


Answer up to 5 questions and enter contact info for the vendor or partner you want to evaluate.

Harborport Generator creates a specific assessment for your organization to evaluate a vendor or partner.
Harborport AI maps questions to your uploaded security documents.

Harborport answers assessment questions giving you a completed version to share with your customer or partner.

Your vendor is provided with a unique link to complete your assessment which Harborport tracks and scores for you in real-time.

Harborport improves your inbound
assessment process.

Imagine a world where you spend less than an hour on a security assessment.
Reduce the time your team spends answering questionnaires.
Create consistency in how you answer one questionnaire to the next.
Track inbound assessments and key infosec documents in one place.
Improve the turnaround time on inbound assessments from weeks to minutes.

Harborport makes it painless to evaluate
your vendors.

Configure assessments tailored to your organization.
Send assessments with a click of the button.
Get scores to evaluate your vendors’ and partners’ security postures.
Manage all your outbound assessments in a single view.

The next generation of security assessments.

Harborport is the only security assessment platform powered by AI enabling companies and organizations to effortlessly complete security assessments.
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